Everyone goes on here, and so am I lately, I used to hate myself so deeply that I leave me behind. Now everything has changed, this new world took from me what I had best. And to be honest I don't know if that is a good think or a bad one. Because with this, all that blame of the past disappeared. I'm free ! If I'm selfish, bad or cocky, I'm feel normal, but... maybe is not so good to be that way after all ...
So I'm stuck again, by my one mind, so sad isn't it? In this case,it's easier to leave things as they are: to be bad - is good ! But all that kindness, warm smiles, patience what I used to have, is in fog, I don't have it anymore. It remained as a nice dream that connects me to home, and that's it, nothing more ...
vineri, 6 noiembrie 2015
sâmbătă, 17 octombrie 2015
Simtaindu-ma neindreptatita ....
Stii ... statul care ne cere bani, pentru ca stam pe pamantul lui, pentru ca bem si mancam de la el? M-am gandit intr-o zi ca nici viata nu-i cu nimic mai diferita. Din contra, e un stapan mult mai puternic, iar noi ingrozitor de neputinciosi. Platim cu chinuri pretul vietii, doar pentru o clipa de timp pe care incercam sa-l facem sa merite, sa para mai lung, mai frumos... Ce-i drept viata are diferite contracte, care cu facilitati mai extravagante care cu mai putine, dar nici unul nu se da pe drept sau pe merit, toate sunt o loterie. Macar daca m-ar fi anuntat cineva dinainte despre toate acestea. Le primim in dar fara sa stim si fara sa vrem, fiecare parinte oferind ce are. Asadar ne nastem cu ideea ca viata ar fi un dar de nepretuit, intr-adevar, exista oare pret sa-i indestulam lacomia? Cel putin parintii cred ca ce ne-au oferit e minunat si nu cred ca toti au facut-o din egoism, de aceea uneori traiesc doar pentru ca ei cred in ceea ce au facut, ma gandesc ca-i prea crud sa le sfarsesc fericirea doar ca sa o incep pe a mea. Macar ei se bucura de a lor, nu stiu daca eu as mai apuca-o. Se spune ca daca nu existi nu simti, dar daca si aceata vorba e ca si cealalta, ma indoiesc sa o mai cred. Uneori, parca -mi vine sa ma razun si sa-mi cer timpul inapoi . . .
sâmbătă, 8 august 2015
Go in peace !
N-ai vrea sa apuci ziua in care dragostea mea pentru tine va muri.... Te asigur ca nu ai vrea ! Eu, preocupata sa fac o fastuasa ceremonie funerara, voi uita sa sufar, tu ascultand toate comemorarile, te vei sfasia de durere... Iti vor trece amintiri prin minte, ochi si simtiri ... Vei fi un mort viu , te vei intreba daca nu cumva, va incapea si sufletul tau in sicriul in care zace dragostea mea ...
Stii si tu doar, ca de cele mai multe ori pedeapsa nu e sa mori, e sa traiesti cu tine insuti. Ce usor ar fi sa-nchidem ochii si sa nu mai stim nimic ! Ma tem uneori, ca nu cumva durerea sa ne ajunga din urma chiar si pana acolo ! Vorbesc la plural, pentru ca ma va durea si pe mine, dar va fi ca si atunci cand te simti suprasaturat in urma unei mese bogate, dar a ta ... durerea ta .... va fi ca cea de masea in care nu-ti vei mai gasi ragazul...
Stii si tu doar, ca de cele mai multe ori pedeapsa nu e sa mori, e sa traiesti cu tine insuti. Ce usor ar fi sa-nchidem ochii si sa nu mai stim nimic ! Ma tem uneori, ca nu cumva durerea sa ne ajunga din urma chiar si pana acolo ! Vorbesc la plural, pentru ca ma va durea si pe mine, dar va fi ca si atunci cand te simti suprasaturat in urma unei mese bogate, dar a ta ... durerea ta .... va fi ca cea de masea in care nu-ti vei mai gasi ragazul...
duminică, 26 iulie 2015
...flash of memories...
N-am stiut sa ma bucur de nici o aventura din viata mea, le-am refuzat asteptand ceva lifetime, mai calitativ ziceam, am gresit cu siguranta sensul calitatii, in nici un caz nu se gaseste in ceva unlimited. Ce silly... cine ar refuza sa manance o prajitura buna, doar pentru faptul ca s-ar termina la un moment dat ...? Nobody, te asigur...
Tinem pasari rare in colivii stramte, gandindu-ne ca o sa ne bucuram mai mult de prezenta lor, poate ne-am fi bucurat pe deplin daca le-am fi oferit libertatea, poate chiar s-ar fi intors, recunoscatoare pentru gestul nostru, si atunci... am fi simtit ca izbucneste-n noi o fericire de necontrolat...
O fericire lifetime, in schimbul unui regret cu aceeasi lungime de unda ....
Tinem pasari rare in colivii stramte, gandindu-ne ca o sa ne bucuram mai mult de prezenta lor, poate ne-am fi bucurat pe deplin daca le-am fi oferit libertatea, poate chiar s-ar fi intors, recunoscatoare pentru gestul nostru, si atunci... am fi simtit ca izbucneste-n noi o fericire de necontrolat...
O fericire lifetime, in schimbul unui regret cu aceeasi lungime de unda ....
marți, 21 iulie 2015
Just read ...
I did a mistake, a big mistake. I think I ruined my family peace. I took it to a place where it will be destroyed. I realy didn't know, I swear ! It's a place where is supposed to be a better life for all of us.
My husband says that I did a good thing. Did I ? Because is not looks like ...
Maybe will be after all, what I know? This is just the beginning and all beginnings are tough. But i'm getting crazy, cos for the first time in my life i'm really damn stuck.
Sometimes I want to leave life, and I always wonder why I am not allowed. It's not fair, you know ... Some of us enjoy the life, I don't...
My husband says that I did a good thing. Did I ? Because is not looks like ...
Maybe will be after all, what I know? This is just the beginning and all beginnings are tough. But i'm getting crazy, cos for the first time in my life i'm really damn stuck.
Sometimes I want to leave life, and I always wonder why I am not allowed. It's not fair, you know ... Some of us enjoy the life, I don't...
joi, 25 iunie 2015
Keeping a promise !
Is that a light at the end of the tunnel? Or I am wrong? What if it's just the illusion of a dying man? Sometimes I whisper to myself : "Be strong ! ", but I barely hear me, something is louder then me ... I don't know who, I don't know what ! The BIG question is why ? Why is louder than me?
None of this would have been important if that voice encouraged me, but now I'm really pissed... It's been like that for a while, and I want all this to be stopped , so I started to shout at me: "Be strong!" , hoping that I will be able to hear me ... But I can't hear myself anymore !
I didn't give up though,because I AM STRONG ! So I took a mirror, I looked into it and I said again what I say to myself every time, and luckily I managed to lip-read.
When you continue to ignore those things that you want to escape, will be long gone before you realize, and you will start laugh like nothing bad was happening.
Therefore face life with a smile, but remember, next time everything will come all over again, when you will be weak.
None of this would have been important if that voice encouraged me, but now I'm really pissed... It's been like that for a while, and I want all this to be stopped , so I started to shout at me: "Be strong!" , hoping that I will be able to hear me ... But I can't hear myself anymore !
I didn't give up though,because I AM STRONG ! So I took a mirror, I looked into it and I said again what I say to myself every time, and luckily I managed to lip-read.
When you continue to ignore those things that you want to escape, will be long gone before you realize, and you will start laugh like nothing bad was happening.
Therefore face life with a smile, but remember, next time everything will come all over again, when you will be weak.
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